Windows for the Discalced


For several years we’ve been carrying out various works in our monastery in Poznań, related to the reduction of its current maintenance costs (so-called thermo-modernization). Last year, we acquired partial funding for this purpose from the EU funds.
The remaining works (window replacement in the church and the monastery) were supposed to be funded by another program; however, the negotiations on the subject were interrupted for reasons beyond our control.

Window replacement is the last project that concludes the thermo-modernization stage.

There are 219 windows in the monastery and 24 in the church. Some are being renovated, but the majority need replacement.

Due to the fact that the building is a cultural property, newly designed windows must satisfy the requirements of a conservator-restorer (wooden in the monastery and metal in the church).

We try to perform some of the works on our own. For the moment, we need ca. 200,000 Euro to reimburse the contractor by the end of the year. The cost of one window is ca.  1,000 Euro.

This is why we ask for your help in finishing this project. We assure you of our remembrance in prayer, especially through the intercession of St. Joseph.

Monastery of the Discalced Carmelites

Działowa 25 | 61-747 Poznań. Poland

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Title: Windows